“Daddy Sentiasa Bangga Dengan Kamu.” Bella Raih 9A 1B, Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Kongsi Tip Kejayaan Anak


Siapa yang tak kenal dengan figura bernama Datuk Dr Sheikh Muszaphar ini. Beliau dan isteri sangat menitikberatkan hal pendidikan pada anak-anak.

Tidak hairanlah jika anak-anak nya sentiasa mendapat keputusan cemerlang dalam segala bidang.

Terbaru Angkasawan pertama negara ini berkongsi berita anak sulungnya Bella yang meraih 10A dan 1B di dalam peperiksaan baru-baru ini.

Menurut Sheikh Muszaphar, walaupun, Bella inginkan 10 A untuk mendapatkan hadiah, namun usaha anak sulungnya tetap menerima pujian.

Menurut Dr Sheikh Muszaphar, anak sulungnya itu seorang yang rajin berusaha demi memperoleh keputusan yang cemerlang dalam peperiksaan sekolah agamanya.

Selain berkongsi keputusan, Dr Sheikh Muszaphar turut memberitahu kejayaan anaknya di sekolah.

Antara kejayaan yang dicapai oleh Bella ialah, dia seorang yang sangat aktif dalam bidang sukan, menjadi ketua kelas dan rajin menyertai pertandingan mewakili sekolah seperti debat.

Video – 9A1B for Bella …
Bella just completed her Sekolah Rendah Agama Exams and 9A1B for her – Alhamdulillah .
And a B in Khat .
I think she really worked hard to get that iPad I promised – but only if it’s 10A’s . Haha
Bella usually excels in whatever she does whether it Sports or Academic . We have collected many medals of the girls achievement both Bella & Tasha hanging on the wall as a source of inspiration to achieve higher .

She’s strong-willed , determined & passionate in whatever she does . Somehow she enjoys whatever Classes we enrolled her into .
Her secret … ?
She pays attention in Class .
And how do I know that ? Because she seems to know every topic goes to which subjects in those
10 subjects .
She’s doing great at her SJKC too . She’s a Head Class at SRA and wanting to become a Prefect badly at SJKC . In fact she’s excel in TaeKwanDo with medals hoping that she would be one . She joined Debate , Gymnastics , Dancing just for the hope of wanting to be a prefect at SJKC . Haha
Hopefully she will next year …
Kudos Bella –

May you succeed in life one day .
Daddy will always be proud of you .
You have achieved more than I did at that age .
Surely there will be more achievements in years to come . InsyaAllah
Good Morning Everyone .
Love As Always ….
Just sharing …
PS – No iPad for the time being ….
PSS – Daddy was a Head Prefect & a Champion National Storyteller back then at Standard 6 . Do try to beat that …